Need Help?
If you live in the City of Kirkwood and are in need of assistance,
HOK is here to help!
Below are services that are available in 2024:

Yard Work
We have a team ready to help you out with yard work. Starting September 1st, you can contact HOK to be added to the Yard Work list and we will do our best to assist you and your yard.
Requirements for assistance:
You must be the home owner of the house. We are unable to work on rental properties.
You must be a resident of the City of Kirkwood.
Sign ups for assistance begin September 1st.

House Projects
We have a team ready to help out with simple house projects on the exterior of your house. Due to the pandemic we are not entering homes this year (for your safety and the safety of our volunteers), but we can do work on the outside of your house.
Requirements for assistance:
You must be the home owner of the house. We are unable to work on rental properties.
You must be a resident of the City of Kirkwood.
Sign ups for assistance begin September 1st.

Trash Removal
If you are in need of trash removal we can help! We have a group of volunteers willing to pick up large items to haul to a dumpster.
Requirements for Waste Removal
The item to be removed must be moved outside of the home. We are unable to enter your house.
The item(s) must be able to fit in the back of a pickup truck.
Sign ups for assistance begin September 1st.

Gutter Cleaning
If you are in need of gutter cleaning we can help. Volunteers are able to clean gutters on single story homes.
Requirements for Gutter Cleaning
You must be the home owner of the house. We are unable to work on rental properties.
You own a one story home.
Sign ups for assistance begin September 1st.

Food Donations | KirkCare
Each year we collect canned and nonperishable foods for KirkCare. If you are in need of food assistance and live in the City of Kirkwood then we want to get you connected with this organization. Contact HOK and we will connect you with KirkCare and the help you need.

Winter Clothing & Toy Shop
We will be spending the month of September collecting winter clothing, children's books, toys, and bicycles. These items will be available for those in need at our Clothing and Toy Drive held at Kirkwood Baptist Church on the day of Hands on Kirkwood from 9am - Noon.